Q: How did you make the game?
A: I made the game using PHP language for server side processes, a MySQL
database, and JavaScript, DHTML and HTML
for the client side interface.
Q: Do you have to be a smartass to make a game?
A: No, you need some programming knowledge, a lot of determination
and good logic. Also preferrably
a good understanding of math, arrays and database systems.
Q: How long did it take to make the game?
A: The original Alpha version was made in 2 weeks with around 6h work
a day.
However, the current version is a result of well over 2000 hours of
Q: How much does it cost to run the game?
A: We are on a dedicated server that has no CPU limits and costs 129$
a month
Q: How big is the source code?
A: The source code is split into many files (approximately 200 files).
The size of the interface file is around 89kb
The size of all the PHP files together is around 150kb
The size of all the update JavaScript files together is around 10kb
There are also various "extra" files in php, htm and js that take about
Q: Can you give me the URL where you can make
games like this?
A: No, since there is no such place. A good start would be learning
JavaScript, then visiting the PHP Web site and
the MySQL Web site
Q: Where can I learn Java and Php?
A: There are loads of sites on the net, and books in shops.
Q: I know HTML, can I make a game like this?
A: Probably no, you need to learn a real programming language, like
C++, VB or Perl to understand all the stuff.
Q: How do I make a login page?
A: If you know CGI, ASP or PHP, just make a form and process the input.
Q: How do I get a database?
A: Most web hosting companies support a database of some sorts. However,
free ones usually don't or limit access to it.
Q: But you made this on a free server?
A: Yes, the f2s hosting company had a database and php support, but
they don't offer free web space anymore.
Q: Can I use your source code?
A: The JavaScript files can be downloaded by anyone. If you don't know
how, do not ask me. If you do, you can
use them, as I have no way of preventing you from doing so. You should
not be able to access the php source,
and if you do manage to do so, it is illegal to use it for commercial
or hacking purposes.
Q: Can the game be hacked?
A: Yes, anything can be hacked but there are consequences when (not if) you
get caught.
Q: Can You hack?
A: I prefer to use my skills for legal purposes, but I guess any web
programmer can hack something.
Q: How much bandwidth and space does the game
A: Currently, the game source files take up about 350kb, all the manuals,
pictures and html files take up about
600 kb, the database takes up a total of 15Mb (around 10Mb active data).
That's for 10,000 players
We are now using around 120Mb of bandwidth a day (with the 150 players
Q: Does the game have bugs?
A: Yes, every complex game has bugs but there are less and less everyday.
Q: Do you get paid to make the game? Do you spend
all your free time on the game?
A: No, I don't get paid to make the game, and I spend about 80% of
my free time on it.
The game is not my way of making a living either.
Q: Can you send me the game source?
A: No. I could help somebody with game problems if
you are making a game, but it is better
that you start yourself.