Q: Who initially made the game?
A: Toshax (The God of Chaos)
Q: Who is that?
(known as Lord Rayden in new rwk, Toshax in old rwk, Rayden in Winterkill)
(Shadow Mouse in Planetarion and Demise, Nightblade and Melkor in some
other games)
Q: Who is Lord A and what did he do?
A: Lord ArPharazon is a friend of Toshax that owns and pays
for the game server. He reads your mails, fixes player problems, and generaly
can be considered the head administrator.
As Toshax found other directions in his life, and other courses to follow, Lord A does the programming as well.
The url shimlar.org is owned by Lord ArPharazon.
Q: Who are/were the other Archwizards?
Lady Eleannah owns the url (www.shimlar.com) and was
also responsible for the Roleplay part. She also created some spell and monster names and the Ta'lorn Zone. She's no longer active in the game.
Lady Liisa created the Trade Post and some
spell names and also a long time friend. She's alas not active anymore.
Sisco was a RP mod, but is currently helping
Lord A with some of the contact page requests. He can be considered the Archwizard for RP.
Gilian created the pictures site, and also
helps with database and php. Unfortunately, due to problems with her eyes, she can't help anymore.
J.NicoletteCanne has been a long time friend
of Lord A, and a top player before reset, now watches over the new players.
Lord Morpheus manages the server and related issues concerning Linux and MySql.
Lobotomy helps with PHP and SQL, and added some nice features. Due to workload, he can't help anymore.
Clerity is the Lady Of The Shadows, the first archwizard ever in Shimlar.
Elder LongFellow, also known as ELF (pixie in Dutch), used to monitor sales like a Rockefeller familymember.
Q: Who makes the game code?
A: Toshax initially, and now Lord A
Q: Can Lord A change my race, restore my lost
item, change my email?
A: Yes, and if he is on, he will very likely do it. He is at work,
and might not respond to pm's at once, usualy. There is a contact page to make his work lighter, so use it please.
Q: Does anybody else have access to game code
or database?
A: No.
Q: Will Lord A give me gold or exp?
A: No.
Q: Who are the mods?
A: The original idea behind being a MODERATOR is not a friend of the Archwizards
who can mute, but an active person
who is on a lot, and monitors chat for spam, scammers and abuse.
Q: Who are the RP mods?
A: Trusted people who like to RP more than leveling
Q: What is the game based on?
A: While Shimlar is realy a totally independant project made by Toshax,
it has some elements that are based
on games such as: RWK, Diablo 2, Demise, Betrayal at Krondor, Winterkill
and Adom.
Q: Where are the Arches from?
Toshax - Finland
Lord A - Belgium
Lady E - UK
Lady Liisa - Australia
Lord Morpheus - USA
J.NicoletteCanne - USA
Gilian - Germany
Lobotomy - Germany
Sisco - USA