Shimlar Manual
Overview Special Monsters
Races Quests
Reincarnation Creature Hunts
Stats New Worlds
Weapons & Armor Accessory Items
Magic Housing
Shadow & Special Items Temples
Masteries The Tavern
Gems Clans
Removing Gems Kingdoms
Zones Alignment
Chat Turn based
Roleplaying Guide Murphy's Law in Shimlar

Shimlar is a multiplayer online RPG. It is free to play and only requires Internet Explorer 5 or higher to play.

You start by creating your character. You give yourself a name, and select race and gender.
You can log in right away, email is only for password recovery purposes now.
After login, you find yourself in the starting area of your race at the position of 1,1.
You will see your name and statistics on the upper left, movement directions on the upper right,
a combat option just below, and the chat in the bottom part of the screen.
You can start attacking monsters right away, but you can move around a bit first to get to know
where the important stuff is. There are four "special" places in your area:
1. Shop (S). Here you can buy weapons & armor, as well as sell any item.
2. Magic Tower (M). Here you buy new spells, as well as enchant items.
You can also locate other players for the price of 20k gold here
3. Shrine (R). Here you go if you are dead to resurrect.
You can also teleport to other zones for 20k gold from shrines.
4. Bank (B). Bank is used for storing gold as well as transferring it between characters.

You can only purchase equipment with gold not in the bank. However you can only transfer banked gold.
Initially you will have 100 gold in the bank. This is enough to buy two pieces of the lowest quality equipment.

Once you get out of your starting area, you can duel other players at the same location by choosing
"duel" instead of "new fight" near the monster list. Duels only work in some zones.

When you press "new fight", you do engage in a fight with a fierce and fearsome enemy. No one would like to encounter someone way stronger, but once you decide to fight... FIGHT!
If you meet an enemy and press "new fight" before even battling it, you'll loose all your gold at hand (less weight to do the chicken run!). It's better to be a poor guy then a dead guy, isn't it?
Now, if during the battle you notice this is not really in your interest... you can still press "new fight" and run. Since the enemy is injured by your strikes or casts, he can't run that fast neither and you don't loose all your gold.
You however leave some coinage to keep the monster busy collecting for a while. The formula to calculate loss is gold at hand divided by (highest health(you or monster) divided by lowest health(you or monster)).
An example to make it clear:

  • suppose you encounter the local Superman... you have 100 health, he has 1000 and you carry 2000 gold.
    You loose 2000 / (1000/100) = 200 gold. Not bad for fleeing from Superman in good health, you still have 1800 gold!
    If you're superman and the monster has 100 health, you'll loose the same amount. It's a shame you flee since you can kill it anyways, but since your self-esteem will get lower by running from a weakling there's no need to have heavy financial repercussions.
  • suppose you meet a more or less equal enemy... you have 100 health, monster has 110 health, still 2000 gold.
    You hit it a few times until it's 25 health for you, 20 for the enemy (or the other way around, it does not matter).
    Then you run... you loose 2000 / (110/100) = 1818 gold. WOW. That's a lot... true, but you're equal so you'll have to run like Carl Lewis and I never saw him carrying a huge wallet around.
  • Conclusion: see who you fight. If you fail to pay attention, pressing new fight will cost you money. If you think things can turn out ugly, run as fast as you can.

    The land of Shimlar is populated with many sorts of creatures. A player can chose one of the following races,
    each have their own distinct characteristics:
    Human Humans are average at everything. They start with some very basic knowledge in all skills, and can master every skill to a high level, however, they won't be the best in any profession
    Elf Elves are frailer and a bit weaker than humans. However, they are very wise, and excel in any magic. Elves can master any type of magic to the maximum, and prefer to fight with either swords or staves.
    Dark Elf A tribe of elves that worships the Dark Gods. They were forced to live in the north, and that increased their strength. Being mad about power, they lost some of the elven wisdom, however still being more intelligent than a human. Dark elves are masters of the blades, being very quick and intelligent.
    Dwarf Dwarves live in mountains, often underground. They are very tough, and are hard to kill. Dwarven skill with mining and metals is well known, and they have an advanced knowledge of axes, being capable of mastering this weapon to the highest limit. Dwarves aren't good at magic, however their knowledge of heat gives them some resistance to fire.
    Giant Giants are huge humanoids, living in the forests or plains. Their strength is outmatched, while their wits leave to be desired. Giants have very limited magical talents, and they can only master mace type weapons to a high level.
    Troll Trolls are a tribal race. They have very high regeneration rate, which enables them to have the most vitality amongst the races of Shimlar. Trolls have great strength, too. Trolls are afraid of fire, but can master some air based magic. They can use all weapons efficiently, but don't like axes much.
    Goblin Goblins are small and quick. While having low life, they can be both good swordsmen and sorcerers. Goblins are shunned by most races, as they are very greedy and not trustworthy. They don't have great strength, so mace type weapons and heavy armor isn't very efficient for them.
    Angel Believed to be the messenger of the Gods, there has recently been a sighting of Angels starting a settlement in Shimlar. While this is rumored to be a sign of some great battle approaching, the Angels are usually peaceful. Angels have intelligence beyond the human understanding, and their celestial bodies can withstand some heavy damage. While angels know all the skills by a fair amount, they won't master any weapon beyond mediocrity, as they dislike close combat. They can master air magic to any extent.
    Gargoyle With the opening of the Demon Gate, people started gathering up there in huge numbers trying to vanquish these creatures of evil. One of the more intelligent demon races decided to start a permanent settlement in the Outworld. Known as Gargoyles, these creatures are both powerful mages, preferring the power of cold and air, and decent swordsmen.

    There are five basic stats:
    Str: -strength, the measure of how much damage you can deal.
    Dex: - dexterity, your chance to hit enemies and to dodge blows
    Ntl: - intelligence, the amount of your magical power, affects the damage done with spells.
    Wis: - wisdom, affects your chance to cast a spell successfully and to disturb enemy spell casting
    Vit: - vitality, determines your maximum health points.

    You character also has the following:
    Gold - the currency used to buy items. You get gold from monsters and players.
    Exp - experience, you get this for killing monsters.
    Lvl - level, you gain stats each level, you can see how much exp you need for next level.
    Level affects what equipment you can use, where you can go, and even your ability
    to chat and use some chat commands.

    You always have "free exp". That means each time you get the exp for a new level, the
    remaining exp is "free". You loose 20% of the next level cost from your free exp if you die.
    Your free exp can't go below 0. This also means that you can't lose a level.

    Weapons and Armor:
    While the statistics determine the strengths and weaknesses of a character, items are the key
    to success. You can't get far by using your dagger only. Armor is important for decreasing enemy damage.
    There are 4 classes of items: Swords, Axes, Staves and Maces.
    Shields are equipped as weapons, and are used to increase armor value as well as chance to dodge.
    You can have 2 weapons or even two shields equipped at once.
    In each zone the shops sell certain equipment. Good equipment can only be purchased from places
    that need a high level to get to. You cause 3 times more damage if you use only one weapon (no shields).

    While a warrior relies on his blade, a magician uses his mind.
    There are 4 classes of magic Spells: Fire, Cold, Air and Arcane (healing).
    Each race is better at some and worse at some. If you are using an arcane spell, it is
    suggested you equip it in Spell One slot, so you would heal before damage, ensuring a heal
    every turn. You cause/heal 3 times more damage if you use only one spell.

    Special Items:
    Sometimes the monsters you meet carry items their leaders don't know about. Usually their origin is rather unknown, maybe from a previous battle, the last rampage they went on,...
    Nevertheless, these items are quite ok, and commonly referred to as Shadow Items. They allow two gems to be inserted even in lowest base items and can be upgraded
    to Mystic Items for a price at the Temple of Shadows.
    When a monster carrying these is killed, it often feels guilty for what happened, and then it drops a weapon for you. How do monsters drop these things?
    First, they look at what equip you have and they choose one of the five items you can wear as a base for the forging.

    In very short: if you wear normal items, the class is determined by one of the items you're carrying.
    If you wear shadow gear, the item type is determined by one of the item's you're carrying.

    Concerning the Shadow Class:
    These items are numbered by roman numerals, and their armor/weapon/spell class only
    comes in multipliers of 5. So a Shadow Sword I is the same as a dagger, while a Shadow Sword II
    is the same as the 6th sword, and Shadow Sword VII has the same power as the 31th sword.
    These items only sell for very little to the shop, but can usually be traded with other players for vast amounts of money.
    The exact class of a shadow item is calculated like this:
    biggest number divisible by 5 which is smaller or equal to (base of equipped item-1)
    Or in math: max((itemclass-1)-((itemclass-1)%5),1)
    An exception is made for shadow items, as they now drop their own level as well, but starting from the lowest.
    Or in math: random(1,max(itemclass-(itemclass%5),1))
    A Shadow VII sword can drop another Shadow VII sword.
    The present chance for getting a shadow drop is 1/9,000.

    Mystic Items can be upgraded from the same base Shadow Items at the Temple of Shadows,
    which is found at 15, 21 in the Outworld (near the University). The cost to upgrade is very high,
    20 million x roman for I-IV and 40 million x roman for V+. However, they are worth the deal,
    which can be seen from the table below: (Mystic items require 100 levels higher than shadow to equip)  

    Item type
    Item name
    sword Mystic Blade +4% Dex, -2% enemy Ntl (x roman)
    axe Mystic Hatchet +4% Dex, +2% Str (x roman)
    staff Mystic Wand +4% Dex, +5% gold (x roman)
    mace Mystic Maul +4% Dex, -2% enemy Dex (x roman)
    fire Mythic Flame +4% Wis, -2% enemy Wis (x roman)
    cold Mythic Frost +4% Wis, +2% Ntl (x roman)
    air Mythic Storm +4% Wis, -2% enemy Str (x roman)
    heal Mythic Cure +4% Wis, +1 ac (x roman)
    armor Saintly Plate regenerates 4% life per roman numeral
    shield Spiked Shield can be used as a weapon 5 class lower, 
    +0.5 ac (x roman)

    If a starting fighter gets the best weapon, he won't be very good with it. An apprentice magician
    may learn even the most complex incantation, but the odds of it being properly used are low.
    With time, you will get more skill in a chosen weapon or spell, increasing you mastery of it.
    Mastery affects chance to hit and chance to score critical damage. You mastery can increase
    after a certain number of successful hits, and each % is harder to get. Each race also has a certain
    maximum mastery in each type of item that can be achieved as well as a certain starting bonus.
    Starting bonus can be negative, as for example Giants are very bad at magic.

    There is a special mastery called "doublehit". It allows you to attack or cast two times a round with
    each weapon or spell. Every race starts with 1% of doublehit chance, and it increases very slowly.
    You can't increase it in the temple, but you don't lose it in reincarnation. Your chance to hit twice is
    exactly your % in this mastery, meaning that 50% will make you attack twice 50% of the battles.

    The Royal Academy, is located at 14, 21 in outworld. It offers the ability to evaluate your masteries
    for 100 gold per level.

    Gems are magical stones that can be inserted into items for various effects. Gems can be found in most zones,
    the chance to find a gem is 1/600.

    Gemmed items still sell for base price. Gems themselves can be sold at the shop for 10,000 gold (10k) per grade.
    There are four gem grades.  

    Gem Name Effect Grade * Grade ** Grade *** Grade ****
    amethyst adds strength +5% +10% +20% +35%
    emerald adds dexterity +5% +10% +20% +35%
    ruby heal +5% +10% +20% +35%
    sapphire adds intelligence +5% +10% +20% +35%
    pearl adds wisdom +5% +10% +20% +35%
    quartz decreases enemy strength -5% -10% -20% -35%
    opal decreases enemy dexterity -5% -10% -20% -35%
    tourmaline damages enemy -15%* -20%* -30%* -45%*
    tanzanite decreases enemy intelligence -5% -10% -20% -35%
    black pearl decreases enemy wisdom -5% -10% -20% -35%
    topaz steal enemy strength 4%* 8%* 16%* 32%*
    moonstone steal enemy dexterity 4%* 8%* 16%* 32%*
    bloodrock steal enemy life 4%* 8%* 16%* 32%*
    malachite steal enemy intelligence 4%* 8%* 16%* 32%*
    corundum steal enemy wisdom 4%* 8%* 16%* 32%*
    dragon fang increases weapon class +1 +2 +4 +6
    demon fang increases spell class +1 +2 +4 +6
    frozen tear increases armor class +1 +2 +4 +6
    diamond increases gold gain from monsters +5% +10% +25% +50%
    atmashidade increases exp gain from monsters +2% +4% +10% +20%
    jade increases chance of initiative +5% +10% +25% +50%

    * = the damage is based on your or enemy stat, whichever is smaller

    Removing Gems:
    Gems can only be removed at a temple, since the process of enchanting binds the gem to the item and
    alters the item's structure. You never know what will happen when you try to remove the gem from the
    item, but the following might happen:
    -you get the gem out and the item remains as well (40%)
    -you get the gem, but the item is destroyed (30%)
    -the gem is destroyed, but the item remains (30%)
    Items with two gems produce both gems out if the item is destroyed.
    It costs 100,000 gold to attempt disenchanting gemmed items. Temples are marked by a G on the local map.
    (It might take two attempts to fully disenchant an item with two gems).

    You start in a city owned by your race. Once you grow in power, you may leave this zone. Leaving
    any zone is possible once you have reached a needed level and most exits are at 0, 0.
    When you leave a zone, you find yourself in the Outworld. It is also a kind of zone, albeit without any
    shops, a kind of world map. In outworld, other zones can be found. Each requires a certain level to
    enter, contains new monsters, and possibly shops that sell better stuff. New zones are being added
    once in a while, and certain zones can be closed at some times.
    Newbie zones are safe from dueling, so are a few others.
    You can teleport from one zone to another from any shrine for 20,000 gold. This will
    undoubtedly save time compared to walking to the zone.

    You can find where a zone is found from by typing /zone zonename in chat, like /zone bladeforge.

    The lower part of the screen is devoted to chat. Just type in your message and it will appear there.
    Chat is available after reaching level 25. You can get a link to the manual and help site
    by typing /help in chat (however since you are reading this you obviously don't need it).
    Old messages stay until they are replaced by new ones. If you wish to send a message to a player,
    either click their name in chat window, or type in the chat box: /m name: message
    Normal players see their names in blue, gold or red text. If you wish to do an emote (*something*),
    type /e before your message.
    After reaching level 50, you can set your last name by typing /last yourlastname
    Your last name can be removed by typing /last null
    You can check other players level and idle status by typing /id playername
    You can ignore messages from players below certain level (not chat, just pms) by setting
    your ignore level using a /ignlvl level command. You will always get messages from
    moderators and higher, and you can't set this number below 1 or above your level.
    A Sales channel exists for all the buy/sell messages, do not put them in general
    There is also a Roleplay Channel. It is mean for RP only, and any selling or trash talk there
    will lead to mute.

    Clan/Race chat:
    The fourth chat channel is special, as the messages in there can only be seen by people
    of either same clan or race as you. Typing a normal message here will make it be
    tagged with the clan name, and will appear to all clan members.
    Typing /r message anywhere will send a message to this channel to all players of your race.
    Note: for security issues, mods can see all races, and archwizards can see everything, they
    can still only send messages as everyone else. If you are not in any clan, your message will
    not be sent to anyone. PK messages, quests and Official Announcements are sent here as well.
    Clan leaders can send a message to every clan member (even offline) by typing /mc message.

    Moderator, or  MOD is a person with the power to mute and curse others. Mods can be
    found using the Mod link at the bottom of the screen. Mute syntax is /mute player: hours
    You don't have to CAP the first letter. 48 hours is the maximum mute,
    except for a perma mute. The syntax for a perma mute is /perma playername.
    If a player is not spamming but still annoying there is a curse command.
    The syntax is /curse player and it lasts for an hour. It makes them write backwards.
    For players that use excessive CAPS there is a capscurse.
    The syntax is /caps player and it also lasts an hour. All text they type will be in lowercase.
    Mods can send the link to the helpsite to other players by a /new player command.
    Mods also have RP only commands. They are /d for bold white text (descriptions),
    there is /dp for dark priest/demon priest, and /p for The Priest.
    All moderators and above can use the /w command to make the text appear to mods only.
    This option outputs to general only, so you talk with other mods no matter what room you are
    monitoring. The text will come out in orange, and your name in green.
    All mods+ can send a message to every other mod by typing /mm message
    Bold Blue means ArchWizard. They can zap annoying players in addition to mute.
    Arches can also jail and locate players anywhere for free. Arches can /voice name  to unmute
    or uncurse a player before the time expires, but it is highly unrecommended to do so.

    Special Monster Types:
    Currently there are 14 of them, each having around 1% chance of appearing.
    If a character can drop purses, it can additionally leave extra turns for TB's.
    Merchant this creature has 4 times the gold
    Veteran this hard train monster gives 4x the experience and 2x the gold, but has 2x the stats of a normal one and one better armor, weapon and spell. It also has higher chance to drop his loot as a purse.
    Fanatic this crazy monster has 3x stats and gives out 2x exp. Additionally, it has weapons and spells 1 class higher than the normal creatures.
    King kings have 3 times the gold and 2x the exp as well, and a much higher chance of dropping a gem or shadow item (4 times as high as other monsters). It also has a higher chance to drop his (fat) purse.
    Fool has no money whatsoever, but gives 2x exp and has lower armor and weapon than average monster. It can additionally do crazy things!
    Defender this one has armor 3 classes better than the norm and gives 3x exp and 2x gold.
    Assassin the stealthy one has 3x gold as well as 2x exp but prepare to face the weapons 3 classes higher.
    Illusionist has 2x gold and 2x experience, but if you kill one, you are teleported within the zone randomly
    Elder these special monsters drop 2x the gold as well as increasing the chance to gain a mastery from the death blow 8x. These elder fighters carry so much loot that they loose a purse more often.
    Enigma one of the above effects, it changes every round.
    Mimic The mimic has 3x stats, yields 3x gold and provides a higher drop rate. He has a very strange trick in his sleeve he shows only seldom.
    Trainer The trainer has double stats, returns 2x experience and may often reward you with a filled purse!
    Saint Killing a saint lowers your align with 1 but gives double experience.
    Undead Killing an undead adds 1 to your align and it drops 2x gold!

    The QuestMaster Hut, found in the outworld, offers quests every hour. The point of the quest is to kill
    a certain "special" monster in some zone, then return to get the reward. You can only sign up for one
    quest at a time, and you can only get reward for a quest you have signed up to. Many players can sign up
    for the same quest, and only the first one to complete it gets the reward. Quests have level limits, so that
    newbies get a chance, and the high level players don't take up quests that are only chum change for them.
    The quest board does not show which exact monster you have to defeat, so that player have to fight
    through a load of opponents to get the quest done, increasing the chance and making it possible for
    players with dialup connection to complete quests.

    You can only complete one quest every 8 hours. This is made to prevent players with high speed
    connections or those that are online for long times to gain all the rewards.

    Creature Hunts:
    Occasionally, a legendary creature will attack some zone. Players in that zone can all fight the creature,
    which has usually millions of HP, but low stats so can be hit by almost anyone. Damage done to the
    creature is divided by your level, and you deal at least 5000 damage to it if you hit. The one to kill
    this beast will receive some rare equipment, and everyone who was attacking it (and no other monsters)
    and is in the zone at the moment of the kill will receive a set amount of gold.

    New Worlds (planes):
    While there are a lot of zones already, outworld is not the only place to find them. High level players
    may access other Dimensions, which are like other outworlds, but hold more interesting and challenging
    zones. The Dimension of Light is located inside Ta'lorn, while the Dimension of Chaos is found in Demon
    Gate. Search near shrines to find the entrances. Most of DoL is non pk, and the only place to find ****
    gems is also found there, however level 300 is the requirement. DoC needs level 250 to enter and has a
    mysterious zone called Shadowmist, a player can't be located exactly while staying there. The zones in the
    Dimensions are generally better than all others, but the monsters are also quite hard to kill.

    Accessory Items:
    These items can't be enchanted and don't add to armor or damage, however, they each has its own effect.
    These items are only sold in Temple of Order and Essence of Malice zones. They are activated after
    gems, so the stat boost is same for any player. They work in PvP and normal creature fights.
    Every accessory can be sold back to any Weapon shop for the price of 5 million, no matter what price
    it has been sold for, making the expensive accessories a common item for trades.

    Accessories have no level or stat requirements.

    "Copper Ring" +2k str for duration of battle
    "Iron Ring" +2k ntl for duration of battle
    "Blue Ring" +2k wis for duration of battle
    "Yellow Ring" +2k dex for duration of battle
    "Goblin Ring" +1k vit for duration of battle
    "Wedding Ring" shows your partner in your ID
    "Band of Defence" +20% chance to dodge melee attacks
    "Amulet of Flames" +50% chance to tumble fire spells
    "Amulet of Ice" +50% chance to tumble cold spells
    "Amulet of Lightning" +50% chance to tumble air spells
    "Pendant of Durability" +3k vit & health for duration of battle
    "Orb of Curing" 2x chance to cast heal spells
    "Orb of Channeling" 1.5x chance to hit with spells
    "Orb of Power" +6k ntl for duration of battle
    "Gloves of Skill" +10% to all mastery limits
    "Gloves of Haste" 1.5x chance to hit with weapons
    "Gauntlets of Might" +6k str for duration of battle
    "Helmet of Invisibility" can't be located
    "Crystal of Relocation" teleport and locate players cost 0 gold
    "Orb of Learning" +20% exp from monsters
    "Chalice of Luck" doubles chance of drops
    "Huggle" does nothing, just a sign of affection :)
    "Golden Orb of Enlightenment"
    shows all players within 3x3 squares, type /g_orb
    also shows online players, type /g_orb2
    "Eternal Ring" 10% gold lost on death instead of 100%
    "Band of the Chosen" 5% exp lost on death instead of 20%

    The game has an Estates (housing) system. Players can own houses for the purpose of storing
    extra items, and well just owning a piece of land and being able to name it. The Housing zone is
    located at 13, 8 and is accessible to levels over 250. The base cost to buy an estate is 20 million.
    You get a 10 items stash and can heal at your estate. You can upgrade the estate for a price, to
    get more items slots in stash (upto 50), and also a custom description line and even a flag.
    You can even share a house with another player if you buy that upgrade. The other player can
    access all the functions (as in take/store items, and heal) except the change of description, flag
    and the owner names.

    In the future, this option will play a much bigger role, but for now it offers the following:
    -Ability to remove gems from items (see removing gems)
    -Ability to gain random blessings from the gods for money:
    you sacrifice a million gold, and hope for the best. The chances of success are about 7%.
    You might get a random mastery boost or a free level if you are lucky.
    -Temple of Shadows also has the option for converting shadow items to mystic.
    There are three temples currently, Temple of Shadows is found near the University (15, 21),
    Temple of Order is found in the Dimension of Light, and Temple of Chaos is found in
    the Dimension of Chaos.

    You can find the tavern from a zone in 3, 2, Outworld. You can purchase drinks from here. The
    effect is +20% on the selected statistic for duration of one battle. You can only have one effect
    active at a time, and it does not work in duels. This zone is the only place to duel other players.
    Dueling is exactly like killing another player, except that if a player dies from a duel,
    no exp or gold is lost, and alignment is not gained or lost from the duel.
    The tavern is level 21 to enter and has a shrine, which can be used by those who fight in Outworld.
    You can drink up to 10 drinks (of the same type) at once, but more will get you cursed for an hour.
    This means you can get stat bonuses for up to 10 battles at a time.

    A player can form a clan of their own or join an already existing clan. At present there can be various benefits
    to being in a clan. These benefits include clan bonus (such as +3 armor, +5% exp or +50% drops), kingdom
    bonuses such as kingdom mine and kingdom miscellaneous items (these are discussed in kingdoms).

    Clans can be created or joined from 2, 2 in the Royal University. To create a clan you need to be level 300 or
    higher and to join a clan you need to be level 100 or higher. To create a clan costs 10 million gold, to join a
    clan costs both the player and the clan 1 million gold each (note some clans may ask players to pay for the clan
    cost). Any player in a clan can leave at any time at the Royal University.

    Clan leaders in addition have the follow options:
    Second Leader � This person will also receive the leader bonus and can accept new members and boot members
    from the clan (Only the main clan leader has this option). To change the second leader is free.
    Accept Players � Accept new players, to check which players are available you can use the clan tools link.
    To accept players costs 1 million gold.
    Remove Players � Allows the leader to remove players from the clan. Removing players costs nothing.
    Clan Bonus � Select what clan bonus the clan will use (the choices are influenced by clan power). Changing the
    clan bonus costs 1 million gold each time it is changed.

    Clans have "power", the more power, the more different bonuses are available to choose. Clan abilities (combat related)
    are not active in duels. Clan leaders get 1.25 times the effect from abilities. The clan power is calculated from the table
    below the power of each member is added to give the total clan power:

    Member level

    Below is the clan bonuses available and the minimum required to be able to choose that desired bonus. 

    Clan Bonus
    Minimal Power Required
    +3 Armor Class
    +5% exp a kill
    +10% gold a kill
    +50% drop chance
    1.5x damage
    -1h quest wait delay
    +10% temple luck
    ??? (not done yet)
    ??? (not done yet)
    ??? (not done yet)

    (Note: still in progress, tax and structures work, but capturing not yet).
    Clans can own a portion of land knows as kingdom. Kingdoms are NOT normal zones, there is a special
    zone found at 22, 11 in the Wilderness that allows to settle kingdoms. Only a clan leader can settle a kingdom.
    Kingdoms have 3 types of structures: a defence, which serves as protection against possible attackers,
    a mine which sometimes makes you get specific extra gems, and a miscellaneous type which has different
    effects that affect combat. The level of defence you can buy depends on clan power, so that only organized
    clans can actually keep a kingdom. Anyone can attack a kingdom.
    You can only have one type of mine and misc. structure active at a time, and you have to pay full price
    every time you change them.
    There is a kingdom treasury and a tax %. No matter where and what you fight, a certain part of it goes
    to the kingdom, and can be taken freely by both clan leaders. Minimal tax is 1% and maximal is 99%.
    Each clan can only have one kingdom, so that everyone gets a chance to have one.
    Clan defense structures in tabulated form. (Note only sentry tower can be bought at the present time)

    Defence structure

    Clan Power Needed


    EQ Class

    Hit Points

    Wood Fence




    10 M

     Sentry Tower


    1 M


    20 M

     Guard Tower


    2 M


    30 M

     Orc Fort


    4 M


    40 M

     Mystic Fort


    8 M


    50 M

     Dragon Tower


    16 M


    60 M

     Flame Stronghold


    32 M


    70 M

     Troll Fortress


    64 M


    80 M

     Frozen Keep


    128 M


    90 M

    Black Citadel


    256 M


    100 M

    Celestial Castle


    512 B


    110 M

    Chaos Keep


    1024 B


    120 M



    2048 B
    (not available yet)


    200 M

     Clan mine structures in tabulated form.

    Mine Type



    Shallow Mine

    random */** gem

    10 M

    Deep Mine

    random */**/*** gem

    20 M

    Ancient Excavation

    random */**/*** gem, but 25% chance to have a dragon fang or 
    demon fang */**/*** 

    40 M

    Fountain of Sorrow

    random */**/*** gem, but 25% chance to have a frozen tear

    80 M

    Diamond Caves

    random diamond gem */**/***

    160 M

    Rare Elements Facility

    the new gems

    320 M (not active yet)

    Mines produce a gem once in about every 3000 battles, no matter what and where you fight

    Clan miscellaneous structures in tabulated form

    Misc. Stucture



    Magic Barrier

    enemy spells have 15% less chance
    to hit you

    10 M

    Blade Sharpener

    +20% based on the existing hit chance, 
    +1 weapon class to both weapons

    20 M

    Concentration Magnifier

    +30% based on the existing cast chance, 
    +1 spell class to both spells

    40 M

    Force of Friendship

    +20% based on the existing hit chance, 
    +1 weapon class to both weapons,
    +30% based on the existing casting chance, 
    +1 spell class to both spells

    80 M

    Black Market

    sell any item for 50% more gold

    160 M

    Tracker Academy

    3x more chance for a "special" monster

    320 M

    Battle effects do not work in duels (to balance the characters who do not like clans).


    Alignment represents your faction, neutral, evil or good. It mainly affects the cost of sacrifice at different temples.
    Temple of Order sacrifices cost less for those on the positive side, while Temple of Chaos is for the evil players.
    Temple of Shadows costs are same for everyone, and slightly more than others.
    Sacrificing gold at a temple can change your alignment to the one of the temple a bit.
    However, the real way to change it is to kill another player. If you kill a player with positive alignment, you will
    lose 1 alignment. If you kill a player with a negative alignment, you gain 1 alignment, unless the player is at least
    a certain level. You also can get a (+/-1) alignment change from fighting monsters in some zones.
    Ta'lorn and Demon Gate are known for increasing alignment, while Gem Pond and Essence of Malice lower it.

    Alignment over 99 is good and shows in chat in yellow color, while below -99 is evil and shows in dark red.

    Alignments below -500 are not allowed in Ta'lorn, Dimension of Light, Triumph Battlefields, Enchanted Forest and ToO.
    Alignments above 500 are not allowed in Lair of Temptation, Dimension of Chaos and Forest of Jewels.


    Turn Based playing in Shimlar.

    What is it?Concepts
    What is the purpose?Differences

    What is turn based playing in Shimlar?

    Apart from the normal way of playing, where you can click an unlimited amount of time, the turn based way is limited in some aspects and extended in others.
    First of all, to create a turn based char, you simply go to the login page and create a char. On the bottom of the page is now a drop down box. If you select "turn based", you create a turn based char.
    So, you validated your char and you're ready to log in... just do it. It'll all be the same.
    Chat is shared, so that the entire player base can talk to each other. This also means you can't have the same char name turn based and normal. You can just start clicking away...
    Perhaps you'll notice a number decreasing below your name. It's the number of free turns you have. Every time you click "new fight", it goes down with one. When it's at 0, you can't fight anymore against monsters.
    Fighting against players is always possible!! You can even see the normal players.
    Now, as turns get depleted, they're refilled as well. Every hour, you get 45 turns with a max of 5400 turns (that's 5 days).
    As time and resources are limited, it'll force you to define a better strategy for your char's development, while still maintaining a decent level of luck.


    Some concepts of turn based playing.

    Fame is a calculation based upon your level, your gold, the number of pk's (and also the level of your opponent), the quests you do and clanpower.
    It's a very powerful calculated value that'll get the top list moving faster then ever (if you buy stuff, you'll drop!!).
    Fame is how turn based players are ranked.
    No trade is implemented to weed out twinks, item sharing and loans. It's less problems for me, and will force you to focus on your own character.
    You won't get pk'ed by twinked chars neither. Your friend won't get banned with your stuff on him/her. If you want something, you'll have to obtain it yourself.
    For that purpose, smash prices in the shops are higher.
    No gold exchange, apart from clan vaults. This is done to avoid people running 154865 chars for gold.
    Clans will be either for turn based, or not for turn based players. This is to avoid the awarding of additional gold to turn based chars.


    What's the use?

    Don't ask for use in an online game :-). What I try to obtain is that people depend less on who they know or how much time they have.
    While community counts in your fame through clanpower, you're basically on your own for the way to the top. So plan carefully, don't buy the first item you think of.
    The main purpose is however to stop nagging the players in the normal version with anti-macro measures. The turn based version is a fun and different style of playing, which makes it less interesting to run macro's.


    What are the differences?

    The limit on the fights you can do every day. PK'ing does not count!!
    The pk system is different as a whole. If you pk a player lower then your level, you will loose the difference in lvl * 100 fame. If your target is higher, you'll win the difference in level * 1000 fame.
    Apart from that, every pk is worth 1000 fame points. Which means that if you pk someone 10 levels lower, you'll get 0 points. If you pk someone 10 levels higher, you'll get 11000 points.
    When killing another player, be it a normal or a turnbased one, the turnbased player receives:
    - between 1 and 10% of the targetted player's gold
    - fame, according to the other player's level
    The targetted player looses, like before, his gold and free experience.
    The gold loss is to cover the costs the Shimlar Governement makes to clean up the mess after the kill :)
    Smash prices are three times higher for gems and accessories.
    Drop chances are overall way higher (up to 3 times!) in TB.
    The drop system itself is different as well.
    - if you get a gem, you have two chances to get the higher grade (+1*) of a gem plugged in an equipped item
    - if two chances aren't enough to find a gem, a random * gem is generated
    - if there is a gem found and it's already ****, then it's duplicated
    This means that the more gems you have equipped, and the better they are, the better your gems will be.
    Concerning items, if an item drops, it'll be a DUPLICATE of ONE item you have equipped, INCLUDING the gems.
    As you're so eager to get it, it's equipped straight away while your previous item is "dropped" and placed elsewhere in your inventory.
    If the chosen item however is a shadow or higher, it's DUPLICATED.
    Turns can drop too, in fact, if nothing else drops, you have a 1/500 chance to receive between 1 and 540 turns.

    Murphy's Law in Shimlar:
    Thanks to Mech Dragon

  • You will never find a good gem/shadow drop except when you don't need it.
  • Shortly after buying a gem you will find an exact duplicate from a gem drop.
  • Kings will never give you a gem drop. If they do, it will be a malachite*/**.

  • Quests:
  • If you really need to do a quest, someone else will complete it within 3 seconds of them appearing.
  • Shortly after going to the Questmaster's Hut and the quests appearing you will find out that you can't do quests again yet.
  • Finding a special is a sure sign that someone else found it a split second before you.
  • If you find the winning special then someone will PK you.
  • When logging onto shim you will find out that you logged on a few minutes too late for quests.

  • Fanatics:
  • If you become tired, the next monster will be a fanatic.
  • If you stop concentrating at the upper half of the screen, the next monster will be a fanatic.
  • If you are in a zone with a purple background, you will somehow mistake the word fanatic for the background.
  • If you encounter a fanatic right before leveling and attack it, it will double-critical and kill you.

  • PKing:
  • You ARE about to attack a twink and die. Give up.
  • If the target is somehow not a twink, you will get double/triple/quadruple-criticalled and killed.

  • Fancy Confirmation "Are You Sure?" Popups
  • Despite the warning, you will buy the wrong item.
  • Despite the warning, you will sell the wrong item.
  • Despite the warning, you will trade the wrong item.
  • Despite the warning, you will enchant the wrong item.
  • Despite the warning, you will disenchant the wrong item.
  • If you do buy/sell/trade/enchant/disenchant the right item, you will shortly find out that it was a bad idea anyway.